Have you ever known what the law is and deliberately broke it? Just flat out broke it? Well, I did this morning out of sheer anger and frustration. I have known this law since I was a little girl and every time I would read it, it struck the fear of God in me.
It oft times caused me to not rest well at night. I, on occasion, dreamed I would accidentally break this law in my sleep. What if this law was broken by me without my knowing it and the police showed up at my parent's door wanting to know, "Who in this house broke THIS law?"
So I have gone my entire lifetime carefully mindful to not get on the wrong side of trouble, seething because I thought this particular law incredibly stupid...but, the law is the law. Until early this morning.
I was, for the millionth time, straightening up the decorative pillows on the sofa and, as always, tucking the white attached tags underneath so they would not be seen. Then... all of a sudden irritation overwhemed me.
I marched to the kitchen drawer, took out a pair of scissors and, throwing caution to the wind, picked up my first pillow and with some trepidation, cut that darn tag off!
I did not need to read about the law I had just broken. I had read it hundreds of times since childhood.
Well, the dirty deed was done so I might as well go all the way in my law breaking and I continued snipping until every tag on every pillow was removed.
Then I sat down and weaved between emotions of glee and guilt and in that familiar childish way wondered if there would be a knock at my door.
Slowly I got up and picked up the scraps of tags and looked at one for old times’ sake before tossing them in the waste can and lo and behold, what I read stunned me!
Thank you merciful Jesus! All children had been loosed from bondage, finally let go from tag fears that have probably scarred them, like me, well into adulthood!
Some kindly soul either took pity or wizened up somewhere in the iron-fisted land of 'Tag Laws and Regulations'.
HELLELUIA! PRAISE THE LORD! And pass me the scissors. I have pillows, comforters, mattresses; well...let's just say this is going to be a busy, guilt free day up here on the Roan.
Post Script: A brief Google search told me the tag 'law' was actually amended in the 1970’s to assure consumers that the 'do-not-remove' threat was not aimed at them and G-men would not be breaking down their doors.
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